Business Scouting has been an intrinsic part of LetFast's DNA since its inception, which thanks to a valuable network of connections, is able to find decisive opportunities to expand the market, profitability or investment opportunities of the SME or micro- enterprise, as well as the large company or the industrial project of a group of companies or a holding company.
In fact, Business Scouting is not just the identification of partners/customers interested in a partnership/purchase of our customers' products and services, but above all it is the identification of markets with the highest potential, more receptive to the corporate "value proposition".
The identification of potential targets according to: sector, company size, geographical position; analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the target company; the definition of the "Value Proposition" of the target (value proposition, i.e. what the company can really "offer"); the creation of a careful profiling in a specific and dedicated database (for customers and partners); the activation of contacts through direct-marketing tools: telephone contact, e-mail marketing, remote conference calls as the first cognitive step; finally, the making of physical appointments with potential customers/partners on the basis of qualifying negotiation points and relative, subsequent, result control and follow-up.
Proven experience in worldwide sectors and markets (from Italy to the Middle East, from the USA to Latin America), reliability, concreteness, use of effective and innovative tools, absolute orientation towards customer needs make LetFast the right partner to expand your business of knowledgeable entrepreneurs oriented towards growth in the international arena.